David Sievers Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Sievers)


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Sonntagskonzerte im SGM. Foto: David Sievers/Tobias Bader –...

Foto: David Sievers/Tobias Bader . Sonntagskonzerte im SGM. Foto: David Sievers/Tobias Bader . Schneller informiert mit dem L-IZ-Melder.

Mention of Trump, Mueller and riot gear in Pittsburgh police email...

Pittsburgh’s police department found itself in the spotlight because of a few key words in an email from a commander: President Trump, Robert Mueller and riot...

Guardian: Robert Mueller: 300,000 vow to march if Trump fires special counsel |...

More than 800 ‘emergency’ rallies are prepared around the country. Protests would also be triggered if Trump replaces deputy attorney general
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