Dean Sand Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dean Sand)


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Gospel choir's holiday show an inside affair
[West Salem Coulee News] - The evening will kick off with a performance by the Seven Rivers Brass Quintet — Mike Stacey, Herb Henning, Jerry Rusch, Sue Kammel and Russ Schrinner.

HMS Invincible wreck 'at risk' English Heritage site - BBC News
The wreck site of the Royal Navy's first HMS Invincible warship is among the top 10 most at risk heritage sites in the country, says English Heritage.

Architecture needs you! 'Heritage army' enlisted for big survey of...
English Heritages' annual 'at-risk' survey has found 5,700 listed buildings or sites deemed to be imperilled by neglect or decay, a fall of 131 from the...

Micha Dean Sand Eel - Plugs - Want to Buy - SurfTalk
Need to pick up some if anyone has surplus. Thanks!
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