Diana Thater Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diana Thater)


(1 - 4 von 32

Taz: Fantasiewelten: Diana im Wunderland - taz.de

Kent Nagano hat die bildende Künstlerin Diana Thater nach München eingeladen. Beim "Festival Plus" erschafft sie verwunschene ...

Guardian: Diana Thater And T Kelly Mason: JUMP | Film | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › Culture › Film

Diana Thater And T Kelly Mason: JUMP. User reviews. Read user reviews. Today's best video. New Worlds. The week in TV. Telly addict Andrew Collins casts ...

"Mankind Will Destroy Civilization": Diana Thater on Her David...

As a waterlogged West Chelsea counts its losses and begins to pick up pieces of New York’s art infrastructure, Diana Thater’s video installation Chernobyl is a...

25 Most Collectible Midcareer Artists: Diana Thater | BLOUIN ARTINFO

In its September issue, Art+Auction compiled a list of the 25 most collectible midcareer artists working today. This month, ARTINFO will publish one...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Diana Thater
Stan Douglas
Vorname "Diana" (29478)
Name "Thater" (192)
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