Ding Shen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ding Shen)


China entering New Year with fewer crackers, less pork, more thrift -...

The coming Lunar New Year will be a damp squib for Ding Shen, the 34-year-old owner of Beautiful Scenery Fireworks, who like a lot of ...

Ding Shen: this road is doomed to be bad and will continue to stick...

This road is doomed to not go, doomed to regret, fortunately the brother of the same heart, fortunately we have been persisting, and will continue to

Gamasutra: Sia Ding Shen's Blog - SumiKen : Game Piracy - 9 Pirates...

Piracy in SumiKen : Ink Blade Samurai, I talked about how paid app fares 1 month on the App Store by looking at the sales and analytics - by O.P.Neon Games
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