Dirk Manning Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dirk Manning)


Dirk Manning to 'Trade' NIGHTMARE WORLD

[Newsarama] - Our goal is simply to give readers who buy the collection the best reading experience possible. We want this to be a book they keep on their coffee tables

Austin McKinley goes old school for new artSarasota Herald-Tribune

— Austin McKinley, creator of the comic strip “Squarasota,” has created 132 pages of art for a new comic book by writer Dirk Manning.

Dirk Manning Launches New Anthology on KickstarterHorror DNA

— Dirk Manning is no stranger to the horror anthology with the massive epic, Nightmare World under his belt. Now, the writer has launched a ...

dirk manningDC Comics News

— After falling into a vat of chemicals, this fellow adopted the name "Eric Joseph." Some say he is a freelance writer, while others say he can be ...
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