Dominic Kaffka Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dominic Kaffka)


(1 - 4 von 18

What happened at New York's first pandemic fashion show?
— This summer, Dominic Kaffka, the Focus head of production, presented Wu with a plan to transform the rooftop terrace of Spring Studios in ... › w...

What to expect from New York Fashion Week's Daily Times
— Dominic Kaffka, vice president of production and managing director at IMG Focus told Vogue that the aforementioned guidance mandates smaller ... › what-to...

Modewoche in Berlin: High Heels statt Kufen - die Fashion Week in...
· Bild vergrößern Voller Einsatz für die Fashion Week - dieses Team sorgt dafür, dass alles klappt: Dominic Kaffka, Director Events & Production, IMG ...
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