Dorothee Haroske Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dorothee Haroske)


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Jena - TV Gottesdienste: ExaudiMeine Kirchenzeitung
— Dr. Dorothee Haroske, Lektorin, Christina Brandt, Kantorin, Albrecht Werner, Trompete, Heiko Knopf, Gesang, Johannes Schleußner, Gesang.

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Haroske, University of JenaMathematisches Seminar
— Dorothee Haroske, University of Jena: "Embeddings of Smoothness Morrey spaces on bounded domains". Apr 26, from 04:15 PM to 05:15 PM. LMS

Embeddings of weighted Morrey spaces - CMUCDepartamento de Matemática - Universidade de Coimbra
Start Time: 14:30. Speaker: Dorothee Haroske (Univ. Jena, Germany). Institution: Univ. Jena, Germany. Place: Room Research Groups: -Analysis.

Workshop on Analysis and PDEscvgmt
— Speakers: David Bourne, Andrea Cianchi, Claudia Garetto, Amiran Gogatishvili, Dorothee Haroske, Leonid Parnovski, Lubos Pick, Lucia Scardia, ...
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