Dr. Wolfram Klug Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Wolfram Klug)


(1 - 4 von 9

Guardian: A whole new ball game: how data and tech are changing sport |...

Increased performance through data analysis is just one of the rewards tech can bring to sports. Fan engagement and commercial opportunities can also benefit

FIBA Organizer hits Belgrade clubs - FIBA.basketball

Upon invitation of the Belgrade Basketball Federation, FIBA's IT Manager Wolfram Klug has introduced the product at a workshop to club managers in Belgrade.

Rocker sind wieder in der Stadt

Die Thin-Lizzy-Tributeband spielt im Asselbrunner Hüttenwerk das Doppelalbum „Live and Dangerous“ hoch und runter.

Auf den Spuren Frank Zappas

Die ers­ten Le­bens­jah­re von Wol­fram Klug wir­ken fast »nor­mal«, be­vor sich sei­ne Bio­gra­fie dann eher un­ge­wöhn­lich liest: in El­sen­feld...
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Person "Klug" (25)
Vorname "Wolfram" (6244)
Name "Klug" (1571)
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