Duane Girard Person-Info 

( Ich bin Duane Girard)


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Nettie V. Seese

[SalemNews.net] - Survivors include seven daughters Dorinda (Joseph) Perkins of Girard, Debbie (John) Bianchi of Columbiana, Dianne Smith (Duane) Myers of Poland

Turmoil in D.C. animates voters in nonpartisan races across Minnesota

Duane Girard, who's running for a school board seat in south Washington County, said voters he talks with seem to be evenly divided on ...

Dickinson County News - Obituary Report

... a daughter-in-law: Patty Holliday, one brother: Duane Girard, eleven grandchildren, thirty-seven great-grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews.

Errata - OG Date: 04 June 2002

6,388,167 to Duane Girard Uitenbroek, et al of Little Chute, Wisconsin for ABSORBENT ARTICLE HAVING A LATERAL BREATHABILITY ...
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