Edvárd György Nagy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edvárd György Nagy)


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www.aes.org › events › presentersAES Berlin » Presenters: György Nagy

AES Berlin Presenter or Author. György Nagy. Primary Affiliation: Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, ...

György Nagy - Astra Biztosító | Portfolio Events

Want to know more about György Nagy's (Astra Biztosító) activity? Do you wonder what kind of events and conferences is she/he performing? Click for the ...

György Nagy - Sigma Technology

My story with technology started in the mid-90s. I was a university student then, and I came into some money after my grandfather died. I already made a modest ...

Sigma Technology Hungary Receives Bisnode Certificaton | Sigma Group

György Nagy, Country Manager at Sigma Technology Hungary, and Ágnes Konda, Financial Controller at Sigma Technology Hungary.
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György Nagy
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Name "Nagy" (2487)
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