Elín Björg Jónsdóttir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elín Björg Jónsdóttir)


(1 - 4 von 22

8. März ǀ Die Republik der Frauen — der Freitag

In Island sind durch die Wirtschaftskrise zahlreiche Frauen in die Vorstandsetagen von Unternehmen gelangt. Aber machen sie wirklich alles besser? Eine...

Økonomisk ulikhet er dårlig butikk - Debatt

Verden vil vite mer om den nordiske modellen. Erna Solberg må snakke med en nordisk stemme til G20-landene.

Elin Jonsdottir leaves the Board of Directors (Icelandair Group hf) -...

Elin Jonsdottir leaves the Board of Directors Due to career changes Elin Jonsdottir has resigned from the Board of Directors of Icelandair Group ...

Icelandair Group hf.: Elin Jonsdottir leaves the Board of Directors

Due to career changes Elin Jonsdottir has resigned from the Board of Directors of Icelandair Group hf. as of 1 August Magnus Magnusson, who has been an...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Elín Björg Jónsdóttir
Vorname "Björg" (13)
Name "Jónsdóttir" (391)
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