Elena D. Elia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elena D. Elia)


(1 - 4 von 10

NHS worker's 'patient hair for Wiggins sideburns' tweet - BBC News

A hospital worker faces disciplinary action for tweeting that he would use a patient's body hair to make Bradley Wiggins-style sideburns.

2015 European Executive Risk Insights Conference - Paris - Advisen...

Advisen's 4th Annual European Executive Risk Insights Conference will take place at the SCOR Headquarters in Paris on Thursday, 19 November

Drink accused nurse suspended | Central Fife Times

A FIFE nurse has been suspended after she was accused of being drunk while at work.

Need for financial firm 'cultural shift' at the centre of new...

Financial regulation and enforcement expert Elena Elia of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law.com, said that Martin Wheatley's first ...
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