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Google News: MyLocalReporter: Refined PR Pitches for Better Journalist Retention

[Everything PR] - This is the main issue with MyLocalReporter: journalists who don't “opt-in” to be included in a directory, or on a email list, are less receptive than those who opt-in to receive news. And it will not matter how extraordinary your hyperlocal pitch may

Google News: Getting Back to Basics for Effective Email Marketing

[Everything PR] - Men are actually put off by campaigns with partying and promiscuity, while women have grown tired of ads with chit-chat in the kitchen. Customers remain on your email list when you understand their “online persona.” My friend recently received a

Why Growing Your Email List Should Always Be a PriorityHurrdat Marketing
— Trying to keep in touch with customers? Find out why focusing on building your brand's email list should become one of your top priorities ...

Email Marketing List Maintenance Best PracticesBusiness News Daily
— Your email list is the foundation of your email marketing campaigns, containing the email addresses for all your subscribers.
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