Errol McCormack Person-Info 

( Ich bin Errol McCormack)


(1 - 4 von 11

Top brass swallow the Firepower pill | The Courier
A navy guided missile frigate was handed over for a function involving Firepower soon after Defence chiefs became investors.

Up in the air: risky business | The Canberra Times
There are growing fears within Defence that could go down in history as the year the Federal Government lost the plot on the future air protection of...

Indefensible conduct
The shocking treatment of Russell Vance is a damning indictment of the Defence Force, writes Paul Daley. - Brisbane Times

PM - Biggest air show in the southern hemisphere
The merchants of war today landed at an airstrip outside Melbourne Thirty-five delegations from 20 countries descended onto the tarmac at the biggest air show...
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