Fadi Hakim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fadi Hakim)


(1 - 4 von 21

"Wir finden eine Lösung": Ein Flüchtling besucht Facebook-Hetzer

Was passiert, wenn Internet-Hetzer einem Flüchtling gegenüber stehen?

Welcome back, Cap! Great North superhero Captain Canuck returns after...

Captain Canuck was born in Winnipeg in July He had super strength, good manners and a Maple Leaf on his head. He disappeared, after 14 issues, in 1984,...

West Queen West: In come the condos, out go the clubs

— Fadi Hakim (L) and Nav Sangha, new owners of The Great ... café bistro that he and his partners Fadi Hakim and Alex Sengupta will run, ... › ...

As bombs fall, Aleppo asks: 'where are the Americans?'

Recovering in Turkey after a deadly air strike on a hospital in Aleppo, all that Abu Abdu Tebyiah could think about was the six children he had been forced to...
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Mike Reissmann
Vorname "Fadi" (915)
Name "Hakim" (433)
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