Falk Bunse Person-Info 

( Ich bin Falk Bunse)


A double celebration at BKG Bunse-Aufzüge GmbH - Latest news - News -...

And the next targets are already set, reveals Falk Bunse: “Our latest development is the IDEALLIFT, a Homelift based on the European Machinery Directive EU and the harmonized standard EN We want to establish this lift in the market and increase the sales.” And following on this? “One day maybe lift no. 200,000…“

Bunse-Aufzüge auf WeltreiseWestfalen-Blatt

— Bartosz Wronski, Andrzej Wronski, Falk Bunse, Anna Grebosz-Paterska und Sebastian Rossa (von links) feiern den Aufzug. »Es ist schon ein ...
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