Farouk Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Farouk Said)


(1 - 4 von 46

Testing your powers : Court seeks assistance on authority to strike...

PHC directs MNA Marvi Memon’s lawyer to appear at next hearing with relevant information

Canberra 'Meet a Muslim' forums aim to end Islamophobia | The...

Canberra Muslims are going on air and into the community to counter the misconceptions feeding Islamophobia.

Patient died after mistake in surgery - Get Reading

A surgeon tied off the wrong artery in a complex operation on a woman with a huge tumour on her kidney.

'Abused by people,' lonely man finds his way to Islam, and then to...

Farouk said they allowed Taylor to park the old truck he lived in near the ... If Taylor had radical thoughts, Farouk said, he kept them to himself.
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