Fatima Bukhari Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fatima Bukhari)


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Poetries by Fatima bukhari - Hamariweb.com

Fatima bukhari: Featured urdu and english Poet for Hamariweb.com

Literacy Day: SALU Khairpur holds open forum

Museum director Prof Dr Mastoor Fatima Bukhari emphasised the need to increase the province's literacy rate.

Abu Bakr und Fatima & Bukhari - Propheten & Ahl-ul-Bayt (a) -...

Salam Alykum Ein Freund (moslem) von mir hatte vor ca. 3Woche geträumt das er stirbt sein vater hat im traum für ihn gebetet und ihm gesagt ...

Which Sect these Taliban belong to? - Shia/Sunni Dialogue -...

We in Pakistan ae facing a grave situation.Taliban are killing both Shias and Sunnis. Which Sect they belong to and whom are they following? Syed ul Anbia...
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