Fatme Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fatme Said)


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Syrian family hides from attacks in underground 'prison' - CNN

"The strikes were all around us. We just ran out, with nothing," 20-year-old Fatme said. "We just ran and ran down here, and the shrapnel was ...

The Clash of the Two Egypts: Tahrir Square Vs. Abbasiya Square - TIME

The shocking assault on an anonymous woman has energized the protests in Tahrir but the military regime is launching colorful and loud counter-propaganda

NewsDiffs | Diffing: Syrian family hides from attacks in underground...

NewsDiffs tracks changes in online news articles over time

are belly piercings haram? - Jurisprudence/Laws - ShiaChat.com

is it haram to pierce your belly? ive heard piercings are halal in general but belly piercing is a lil more dangerous. fatwas from a variety of marja would ...
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