Frank Hobbie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Hobbie)


(1 - 4 von 31

Survivors in hard-hit Oklahoma town: 'We are truly blessed' - CNN
They include Frank Hobbie, who died along with two girls -- presumed to be his 5- and 7-year-old daughters -- according to state medical ...

Oklahoma tornado claims sixth victim - CNN
The storm struck after midnight Sunday, taking aim at the Hidden Valley Mobile Home Park in Woodward, killing Frank Hobbie and his two young daughters, ages 5

Oberschüler lernt Landwirtschaft hautnah kennen
Mit vollem Familienanschluss inklusive Übernachtung verbrachte der Achtklässler eine Woche auf dem Hof von Frank Hobbie und Heidrun ...

Warnings credited in Midwest tornado outbreak
The girls, Faith and Kelley Hobbie, ages 5 and 7, and their father, Frank Hobbie, were three of the five fatalities in the Northwest Oklahoma ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Frank Hobbie
Ina Hobbie
Vorname "Frank" (79403)
Name "Hobbie" (125)
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