Frederick Fox Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frederick Fox)


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[WalesOnline] - Barbara goes on to say: “Your recent article on the Moulders Arms was most interesting as my grandfather's brother, Charles Tanner, started it as a beer MODE : Kleine Bonbons - DER SPIEGEL

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Frederick Fox | The Times
Milliners to the Queen are beset by rules. The Queen's hats must give a clear view of her face and help her to stand out in a crowd and they must stay secure in a wind. Hence the popularity of berets, pillboxes and toques. Frederick Fox's hats for the Queen — estimated at more than 350 over the 34 years he ...

Frederick Fox. Milliner to the Queen. April 2, December 11,...
ROYAL milliner Frederick Fox created more than 350 hats for the Queen over 34 years.
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