Gérard Lommel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gérard Lommel)


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Skype als möglicher NSA-Lieferant verdächtigt - PC-WELT

Der Online-Telefon-Dienst Skype steht unter Verdacht, unerlaubt Gesprächsdaten an Regierungsorganisationen wie die NSA weitergegeben zu haben.

Google's Street View probe joined by Spain, Italy, France | The ...www.seattletimes.com › business › googles-street-vi...

· “The product as such is not in breach, but more measures have to be taken to improve how images are gathered and used,” Gerard Lommel, ...

Tech Ticker: Google Street View, Facebook, Spansion – The Mercury News

The measure creates a coordinated approach to privacy issues that could arise as Street View is rolled out in Europe, Gerard Lommel, an EU ...

Gerard+Lommel - Emol.com - Buscador Emol

La iniciativa se produce tras los comentarios de Gerard Lommel, un miembro de Luxemburgo del llamado Grupo sobre Protección de Datos ...
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