Gabi Solomon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gabi Solomon)


(1 - 4 von 6

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Painful journey to the past
Liz Carney charts the journey of 300 Israelis - half Israeli Arabs, half Jews - who went to Auschwitz to learn about the Holocaust and try to heal the wounds...

Rally against loyalty oath: Israel becoming fascist
News: Professors, artists blast cabinet's approval of bill obligating prospective non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to 'Jewish and democratic' state....

Soil workshop at St Leonards to educate public | The Examiner |...
Soil is an often overlooked subject, but a group of Tasmanian-based soil ecologists are hoping to show Tasmanians how important it is at a new workshop.

Viata ca un maraton/ Dr. Viorica Gabrian: "Dependenta de sport te...
Nu a avut un trecut sportiv, dar in urma cu doi ani a facut primele alergari. La inceput o tura de stadion, apoi una de IOR, pentru ca totul sa culmineze cu...
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