Galina Glebova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Galina Glebova)

News › verstaendigung-zwischen-den-kulturenAktuelle Neuigkeit - Universität Universität Hildesheim
Dr. Galina Glebova, Leiterin der didaktischen Abteilung und Prof. Dr. Leonid Kuzmin, Leiter des Lehrstuhls für englische Philologie, beide ebenfalls Universität ... › events › president › trips › photosTrip to Krasnodar Territory • President of Russia
With the school's principal Galina Glebova. With Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov (right) and ...

President of Russia
Indeed, Ms Glebova [Galina Glebova, School No. 55 Principal] and I were walking down the hall – and of course, not all of our schools are so small and ungraded; we have some schools that are housed in less attractive buildings, and often, they do not even provide normal conditions for studying; even the ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Galina Glebova
Vorname "Galina" (1838)
Name "Glebova" (16)
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