Gemma Leah Devereux Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gemma Leah Devereux)


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Gemma-Leah Devereux: ‘Whatever you think I can’t do, that’s what...
· Gemma-Leah Devereux, Ciaran McCabe and Kirsten Sheridan at the Factory in Dublin, a collective space for Irish directors, film-makers, casting agents, actors and music producers, in

Fantasy Filmfest - Kultur - INTRO
Nachdem das Fantasy Filmfest bereits Ende August in Berlin, Hamburg, München und Stuttgart erfolgreich über die Bühne ging, startete die Veranstaltung in der...

‘Room’ at the top of Ifta nominations
Room, Sing Street, and My Name is Emily look set to be the big winners at the Irish Film and Television Awards

Nominees for the IFTA - Film and Drama Awards
IFTA Nominee Reactions
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Tommy Knight
Vorname "Leah" (3308)
Name "Devereux" (46)
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