George Downing Person-Info 

( Ich bin George Downing)


Downward spiral of 'law-abiding' Manchester City volunteer ...Manchester Evening News
— Father-of-two George Downing, who had no previous convictions, has now been jailed.

Hawaii surfing pioneer, activist George Downing dies at 87Honolulu Star-Advertiser
— Hawaii waterman and environmentalist George Downing, a celebrated big-wave pioneer, former Makaha champion and trusted teacher and adviser ...

George Downing Archives - The Coast News GroupThe Coast News
George Downing · The beauty of food, travel and surfing as told by Jim Kempton · Sign up to get the latest headlines straight to your inbox ...

Downing, George
Both George Downing and his father were interested in civil and human rights. The two worked together to lobby the New York legislature for equal suffrage ...
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