Gerard Van Laar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerard Van Laar)


(1 - 4 von 19

Dutch tourist describes moment wild tiger attacked at full speed |...
Gerard Van Laar, 33, said that he and his Nepalese guide were pounced on in Bardia national park, 250 miles from the capital, Kathmandu.

Tourist survives tiger attack by climbing tree
· Gerard Van Laar said he was attacked by the tiger when he and his Nepalese guide were hiking in Bardia National Park on Saturday.

Tourist survives terrifying tiger attack after hearing 'roar and...
A Dutch tourist who survived a terrifying tiger attack in Nepal today told how he heard the animal roar and growl before seeing it charging towards him.

Tourist survives Nepal tiger attack by clinging to tree for hours |...
· Gerard Van Laar said he was attacked by the tiger when he and his Nepalese guide were hiking in Bardia National Park on Saturday.
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Person "van Laar" (2)
Vorname "Gerard" (2943)
Name "van Laar" (60)
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