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Google News: European CMBS headed for stormy fourth quarter - Fitch

[Property Investor Europe (subscription)] - A calm September will give way to a potentially stormy October for CMBS in Europe, according to rating agency Fitch Ratings. While its repayment rose to 44% at the end of the third quarter, the positive trend is unlikely to continue. In a new report

European airline industry faces turbulence
[Deutsche Welle] - None of the parties seem prepared to give way, but Siegloch hopes that "a worldwide solution will be found for a worldwide problem." It's right to find a market mechanism to help the environment, but "it can't be started in just one part of the world The World from Berlin: 'Greens Will Have to Give Way' on Stuttgart...

The newly triumphant Green Party in Baden-Württemberg has agreed to put a bitterly controversial train-station project up for popular vote. Greens and Social... 'We Cannot Give Way to Panic' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The euro drama is escalating in Berlin. In order to save the common currency, the European Central Bank is now purchasing large volumes of Italian government...
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