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Stammzellen bringen Immunzellen auf Trab – Innovations Report
Kira I. Mosher, Robert H. Andres, Takeshi Fukuhara, Gregor Bieri, Maiko Hasegawa-Moriyama, Yingbo He, Raphael Guzman, Tony Wyss-Coray: Neural Progenitor Cells Regulate Microglia Functions and Activity States, Nature Neuroscience, 22.

Potential drug targets for ALS revealed in study using CRISPR |...
Through genome editing, scientists at Stanford have pinpointed genes that reveal mechanistic details of ALS and may even protect against the...

Cognitive benefits of 'young blood' linked to brain protein in mice |...
Infusing old mice with the blood of younger mice leads to brain rejuvenation. UCSF researchers may now have figured out how.

HHMI Selects 46 International Predoctoral Fellows
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute awards nearly $5 million in research fellowships to 46 predoctoral students from 24 countries.
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