Guy Claxton Person-Info 

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Google News: Unleash Your Creativity

[Event Planner Spain (press release)] - He advocates leveraging what author Guy Claxton calls “the tortoise mind.” This is the deliberate, plodding mind that takes time to assimilate data and make

Google News: Desata tu creatividad

[Event Planner Spain (Comunicado de prensa)] - Aboga por servirse de lo que el autor Guy Claxton llama “la mente de tortuga”. Se trata de la mente lenta y laboriosa que requiere tiempo para asimilar

Are erasers in school 'instruments of the devil'? - BBC News
A cognitive scientist has suggested rubbers be banned from classrooms.

Professor Guy ClaxtonHuffPost UK
Guy Claxton is a world renowned authority on expandable intelligence; what it is, why it matters, and how to grow it. He is the author of many books ...
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Graham Powell
Vorname "Guy" (3483)
Name "Claxton" (52)
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