Hair Raiser Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hair Raiser)


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Hair raiser | The Sunday Times
With Pakistan gone, no team at the World Cup has more dangerous flair than the wildly exotic cricketers of Sri Lanka. They are gifted, unorthodox and ...

Hair raiser | Star › hair-raiser
When the subject of big hair arises, the 1980s are sure to come up. So we weren't surprised to find guests channeling the era at Big Hair Mania, ...

Court’s a real hair raiser for Amanda Bynes
Troubled starlet Amanda Bynes wore a tangled peroxide-blond wig and sweat pants yesterday to a Manhattan courtroom, where she answered to drug charges — then...

Hair-raiser Henry - CoventryLive
IDENTICAL twins Henry and Felix Scott have spent their lives being mistaken for one another. They used to look so alike that only their mum ...
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