Harald Lander Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harald Lander)


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„Datorită lui Johan Kobborg s-a înnoit repertoriul de balet. Avem...

Balerinii Marina Minoiu, Robert Enache, Bianca Fota, Bianca Stoicheciu vor vorbi, de la ora , in studioul Adevarul Live, despre spectacolele de la balet...

John Gilpin, former principal dancer and artistic director of

John Gilpin, former principal dancer and artistic director of the London Festival Ballet, died in London of a heart attack. He was

At the turning pointe - The Globe and Mail

At 40, ballerina Martine Lamy begins her last season with the National Ballet

Lander/Forsythe : le Ballet de l’Opéra à nu | Les Echos

En trois pièces signées des chorégraphes danois et américain Harald Lander et William Forsythe, le Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris s’expose en sc...
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