Harvey Milk Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harvey Milk)


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Harvey Milk, el mártir de la causa gay - ABCwww.abc.es › Historia

· El … todavía tenía cinco balas; su víctima sería Harvey Milk, su rival político. Dan White efectuó el último disparo sobre la cabeza de ...

Harvey Milk: US Navy launches ship named for gay rights leaderwww.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada

· The USNS Harvey Milk is one of six new ships named after famous civil rights leaders.

Guardian: 'He was our leader and he is gone' – Harvey Milk's legacy after www.theguardian.com › world › nov › harvey-milk...

· On the anniversary of Harvey Milk's …ation, his friend and protege Cleve Jones recalls a day that devastated San Francisco – but ...

Harvey Milk - latest news, breaking stories and commentwww.independent.co.uk › topic › harvey-milk

Harvey Milk. The City Hall of Temecula, California, where the Temecula Valley Unified. Americas ...
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