Hassan Charara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hassan Charara)


Electronic research could help eliminate wrong-way driving | National...

HOUSTON — Kevin Balke turned his SUV southeastward, checked his instruments and confirmed he was ready. Nearly a mile of concrete stood before him with...

Connected Cars, Roads Could Eliminate Wrong-Way Driving

— Both of those are happening at a fast pace, said Hassan Charara, a software developer with TTI. “In the short term, the car will be built ... › 2...

Dave's Hot Chicken opens its first Michigan restaurant

— Once the doors opened, Hassan Charara, 31, of Dearborn, had already waited about 25 minutes in line and was only near the front door. › michigan › wayne ›

GLOBALink | Lebanese sports expert hails China's successful ...

— 18 (Xinhua) -- Lebanon's renowned sports expert Hassan Charara has praised China's brilliant organization of the Beijing Olympic Winter ... › ...
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