Hayden James Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hayden James)


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Chromeo, Rufus Du Sol, D.R.A.M. announce joint Red Rocks show — The...

Rapper D.R.A.M. and singer-songwriter Hayden James will perform in support. Tickets to the show are $ $ and go on sale Dec.

Guardian: Future Classic: the dance-pop label that’s taking Down Under...

Australian music is having a sophisticated, genre-blurring renaissance with huge stars-in-waiting like Chet Faker and Flume

Friday Mix: Hayden James - triple j

Your Sydney king steps behind the decks to deliver some wildness for our Friday arvo

Buy Hayden James - 'Between Us' Tour - Wollongong tickets, NSW

Buy Hayden James - 'Between Us' Tour - Wollongong tickets for at Moshtix. Taking place at University of Wollongong UniBar on August 17th,...
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