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Spiegel.de: The Mystery of Mikhail: Gorbachev's Ambiguous Legacy - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Was Mikhail Gorbachev the greatest reformer of the 20th century? Or did he rise to the position of Communist Party leader more or less by accident, only to...

Judges set for 15% pay rise to tackle recruitment crisis | News | The...

High Court judges are in line to receive a pay rise of 12 to 15 per cent, angering other public servants and trade unions. The proposed rise ...

USAF costs said to outstrip performance - UPI.com

Hardly a single one of the U.S. Air Force's claims of extraordinary success for its

Want a pay rise? Offer prayers regularly! - The Express Tribune

New Azad Kashmi­r CJ says court will secret­ly check whethe­r employ­ees offer their prayer­s regula­rly
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