Heidi Arjes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heidi Arjes)


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Heidi arjes – Page 4 – TechNews

Expect smarter enterprises following IBM's recent deal with United Airlines. The deal means the airline will be making more use of Apple's mobile solutions, with  ...

Bacteria Recruit Other Species with Long-Range Electrical Signals

... biologist Fang Yuan, a doctoral student in the lab; UC San Diego physicist Liyang Xiong; Heidi Arjes of Stanford University and Lev Tsimring, ...

Zombie Bacteria Invasion? Nothing To Worry About | Science 2.0

Cellular reproduction seems simple but the ability to faithfully copy genetic material and distribute it equally to daughter cells is fundamental to all forms...

Sunday: Local 'craftivist' to host celebrity knitter at Cafe Zoe |...

Scientist Heidi Arjes of Menlo Park used to worry about other scientists learning that she loves to knit. But since designing a hat last year that became an...
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