Heidi Diedrich Person-Info 

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Iraqi forces recapture Hawija city center from ISIS - CNN

· “No one must be forced to return to the newly retaken areas,” said the NRC's country director in Iraq, Heidi Diedrich.

Heidi Diedrich | Al Bawabawww.albawaba.com › taxonomy › term

Middle East News & Arab Headlines From A Local Perspective | Al Bawaba logo · 700,000 Still Displaced from Former ISIS Stronghold in Mosul, NGO Report · High​ ...

Irakske styrker kjemper videre mot lite IS-kontrollert område i Mosul

Flere hundre tusen sivile er fortsatt i fare i Mosul, selv om irakske regjeringsstyrker hevder å ha nedkjempet IS og feirer seieren.

Kunden und Referenzen - Die Gorillas - Improtheater Berlin

Die Gorillas Improvisation - Referenzen
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