Heinrich Wyes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heinrich Wyes)


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《科技》APO來訪,TLLIA秀台灣LED產業實力 - Yahoo奇摩新聞tw.news.yahoo.com › 科技-apo來...

... 區域環境中心副執行長Mr. Heinrich Wyes (現任聯合國開發計畫署技術指導主任顧問)與會;此行貴賓乃應中國生產力中心之邀,來台參加「APO ...

ASTANA ECONOMIC FORUM - Programme eng pantone indd

Heinrich Wyes, Deputy Executive Director, CAREC Speakers: Cihan Sultanoglu, UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Assistant. Administrator and Director of ...

56. Bundespresseball: Die Gäste 2007

H wie Heinrich. Eva L. Haacke und Reinhard Kaiser. Hans Haarhoff und Christiane Haarhoff. Heinrich Haasis und Ingrid Haasis-Blank Margareta Wolf und Heinrich Wyes.

Climate change in times of pandemic (COVID-19) in Central Asia: a...

Mr. Heinrich Wyes: untapped potential for innovative research on climate change in a post-pandemic period for Central Asia – 15 min. 4.
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