Helene Bork Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helene Bork)


Ingen penge tilbage for defekt mc – Ekstra Bladet

Ny, men defekt: Trods mange forsøg på at reparere Jan Olsens Suzuki-motorcykel, nægter forhandleren stadig at ophæve købet

In Loving Memory of Paul Franz Bork, Ph.D. by James Ponder City...

8, 1924, in Cristina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to German immigrants Max and Helene Bork, young Paulo Bork (as he was called before changing his name to Paul) enjoyed the company of his brother, Joao, and sisters Lydia and Ruth, all of whom are now deceased. Following his education at Brazilian ...

Ostpreußenblatt, Folge 21 vom — Portal Ahnenspuren

, gefallen 1943; Helene Bork, geb , gest Im Namen aller Hinterbliebenen: Hedwig Brietzke, geb. Bork. Rastenburg, Ostpreußen ...
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