Helmut Rutterschmidt und Besi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helmut Rutterschmidt)
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derstandard.at: Datacon mit leichtem Umsatzrückgang - DerStandard

— ... Geschäftsjahr gehe man "vorsichtig optimistisch", erklärte Geschäftsführer und Besi-Vorstand Helmut Rutterschmidt am Mittwoch der APA. › Wirtschaft › Unternehmen

Besi/Datacon’s executive Helmut Rutterschmidt on the companies’...

With the merger of Besi and Datacon, a globally leading supplier of semiconductor-packaging equipment was born. How would you characterize the position

Forum: BE Semiconductor » Besi: Lid Raad van Bestuur stapt op |...

IEX.nl is hét beleggersplatform van Nederland. Blijf op de hoogte van alle relevante informatie over aandelen en andere beleggingsproducten. Beleggen - Koers -...

Datacon/Besi now form a real worldwide leader in …

Helmut Rutterschmidt and I’m being represented in the Besi management and will crucially help control the fortunes of the group”. Datacon’s co-founder Karl Schweitzer is withdrawing from the senior management and, as technological consultant, will continue to play a key role in research.