Henry Laub Person-Info 

( Ich bin Henry Laub)


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Los Angeles Herald 28 March — California Digital Newspaper...

CONDITION OF HENRY LAUB NOT IMPROVED. Friends of Henry Laub, a Los Angeles business man, are alarmed over his serious illness. For eleven days ...

Henry James Laub collection: Veterans History Project (Library of...

Henry James Laub: Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress.

FOCUS: Atomstreit mit dem Iran: Teheran warnt nach Öl-Embargo vor...

Mit einem Stopp der Öl-Einfuhren will die EU den Iran zum Einlenken im Atom-Streit bringen. Doch die Führung in Teheran schaltet weiter auf stur – und warnt...

Mary Lillian (Laub) Schwartz – News-Herald

· Her daughter, Beverly; son, William; and brothers, Henry Laub III and Edward Nemitz, are deceased. Burial was at Royal Palms Cemetery in ...
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