Heru Firman Prakoso Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heru Firman Prakoso)


(1 - 4 von 22

Five dead in Indonesia prison riot | Fox News

— "Three are prisoners, two are prison staff," said Heru Prakoso, North Sumatra province police spokesman, adding they died in fires at the ... › world

Police officer shot dead in accidental weapon discharge

— Heru Prakoso said that Ikhsan had been cleaning the rifle after escorting a logistics shipment to Aceh and was not aware that there was ... › Story

Indonesia prison break: Five die and dozens escape - BBC

— "The prisoners were annoyed by a blackout and problems getting water, which they said happens often at the prison," Heru Prakoso, ... › news › w...

Indonesian police hunt 131 in prison Yahoo News Singapore

— ... forces across Sumatra island to carry out a massive hunt operation," Heru Prakoso, spokesman for the North Sumatra police, told AFP. › five-d...
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Vorname "Firman" (63)
Name "Prakoso" (292)
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