Hywel Howie James Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hywel Howie James)


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Monmouthshire Business Awards set to reveal winners | South Wales...

FINALISTS in this year’s Monmouthshire Business Awards are less than a fortnight away from discovering if they are winners.

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | 'Bilingual juries for Wales' call

A legal body recommends courts in Wales should offer bilingual juries to be fair to Welsh-speakers.

Inquest hears 'tragic case' of man who took his own life after ...www.walesonline.co.uk › wales-news

An inquest into the death of Hywel James Evans, 36, was held at Cardiff Coroner's Court.

Guardian: Councillor awaits decision on future following Nazi remarks | Cardiff ...www.theguardian.com › cardiff › nov › nazi-comm...

· Chair of the panel, Hywel James, said: "The words 'stormtroopers' and 'blitzkrieg' would to most people be linked to actions of Nazi Germany ...
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