Ian Mayne Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ian Mayne)


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Tripped Up: Runners stunned by loss of UTC men's track | Chattanooga...

Paul Stuart followed in the track cleats of his older sisters who ran for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga track and field team.

Bowls: Holt's title dream over

DAVID HOLT'S dream of becoming the first man - apart from the legendary David Bryant - to complete a full set of four national bowls titles was shattered...

ACTON Bridge Bowls Club has had the kind of success in its brief...

This year one of its members, Ian Mayne, was crowned as the national Champion of Champions.

Latest News - Superior Tennis

Oct 7, · ... Andres had to fight hard against the comeback effort from his opponent in the finals, Ian Mayne-Nicholls of Delray Beach.
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