Ibrahim Spahić Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ibrahim Spahić)


Launch of EFA BOOKS 4: "Dialogue. Festivals Act for an Intercultural...

The IMC is the world's largest network of organisations and institutions working in the field of music.

Esma Voloder named official ambassador of Sarajevo Winter ...www.angelopedia.com › news › Sarajevska-Zima...

Director of the Sarajevo Winter Festival Ibrahim Spahic announced that the Directorate of the festival chose Esma voloder for Ambassador of ...

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 7 October | Office of the High...

SDS Presidency congratulates Kostunica on victory (00:26); GDS President Ibrahim Spahic welcomes democratic change in Yugoslavia (00:16) ...

Peter Eriksson reelected | Sweden Festivalswww.swedenfestivals.com › news

The event is hosted by the Sarajevo Winter Festival and its Directore Ibrahim Spahic. In 2014, the festival celebrates its 30th anniversary; at a ...
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Vorname "Ibrahim" (6233)
Name "Spahić" (9)
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