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Aktuelle Ergebnisse für Igor Kovalev - Intertopssports.intertops.eu › Results › Competitor

Aktuelle Ergebnisse für Igor Kovalev. Liga Pro :45. llyukhin Evgeniy. v. Igor Kovalev :45. Evgeny Tyurin. v. Igor Kovalev

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DTEK connects Kyiv and Lviv with network of five high-speed EV...

In a Hyundai IONIQ Electric car, we checked that its battery at the STRUM station charges faster than a mobile phone. Given that it’s only 80 km from Lviv to the border with Poland, it is possible to go traveling further across Europe, charging with local operators”, said Igor Kovalev, head of the network of charging stations for STRUM.

Zeitung veröffentlicht Namen von Russen-Spionen

Nun hat der „ EU Observer “ die Identitäten der mutmaßlichen Spione enthüllt. Es handelt sich dabei um Sergei Chesnokov, Oleg Demekhin, Wassili Epischkin, Dmitry Filippenok, Igor Kovalev ...
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