Illy Jin Says Person-Info 

( Ich bin Illy Jin Says)


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The original Mr Bean | The Sunday Times
The original Mr Bean. Andrea Illy says that his family firm produces the best coffee in the world. He is opening a string of designer coffee bars – so could a partial float of the business be next? The Andrew Davidson Interview. October , 1:00am, The Sunday Times. Shareemailfacebooktwitter ...

BBC News - China: Retired man 'flies home-made planes'
A 71-year-old man in China builds his own aircraft and flies in them as a hobby.

Tan Chuan-Jin says not to 'over-interpret' Facebook post
Minster Tan Chuan-Jin has urged the public “not to read too much” into a Facebook post he put up following Tuesday's (5 September) announcement of his nomination as the next Speaker of Parliament. Tan, 48, had wrote “May God continue to grant me wisdom, courage and love in all that I do. Tan ...

Pushing her own boundaries, China's Oprah hails U.S. star's influence...
Dubbed China's Oprah Winfrey, Jin Xing says she respects the American talk show host's decision not to run for the U.S. presidency, adding that while looking...
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