Imad Eldin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Imad Eldin)


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Syrian opposition unveils council namesBBC
— From left: Imad Eldin Rashid,. Image caption,. Syria's political opposition hopes to unify dissent against President Assad.

Imad eldin Adeeb tackles public speaking and ...Lebanese American University
— Prominent Egyptian journalist and entrepreneur Imad eldin Adeeb gave a lecture on effective public speaking, advising students future ...

Hoffnung auf Frieden in Syrien in Gesprächen mit syrischer Opposition...
„Das sofortige Ende des Leidens der syrischen Bevölkerung muss für alle Beteiligten im Mittelpunkt der ‚Genf 2‘-Gespräche stehen“, sagte der Generalsekretär...

Hopes for peace in Syria shared with members of Syrian ...World Council of Churches
— ... deputy leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Dr Imad Eldin Rashid, president of the Syrian National Movement.
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