Iona Lewis-Smith Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iona Lewis-Smith)


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Gwent teachers nominated for awards | South Wales Argus
TEACHERS at five Gwent schools are in the running for prestigious Welsh teaching awards.

Ruth Iona Smith obit -
Clipping found in The Pantagraph in Bloomington, Illinois on Jan 21, Ruth Iona Smith obit

Christmas Day Babies: Iona and David Lewis, of Wimbolds Trafford,...
A CHRISTMAS morning dash to the Countess of Chester’s maternity unit attracted police attention.

YEOVIL NEWS: Poignant love story of D-Day 70 years ago - Yeovil Press...
THE 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings will be especially poignant for one Yeovil woman and she will no doubt take a longer than normal look at…
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